• Blog,  Daily Utterance,  General Life

    Quarter Life Crisis

    So, I’m turning 25 on the 25th! I’m not too sure how I feel about being on the dead center of mid 20’s. So far my life in my 20’s has been me dealing with situations and emotions that I’ve never had to deal with before. To think I’m at my /supposedly/ prime for physical fitness and apparence.. maybe I should take better care of myself. Eat more healthy, walk more, move more, stand more, and simply live more. I used to be afraid of reaching my 30’s but now I don’t feel so afraid anymore. Age is nothing but a number and I am fortunate enough to live in…

  • Blog,  Daily Utterance,  Entertainment


    So several years ago in my college days I made a video of my speaking Thai talking about how I wish I have the opportunity to speak it more because I felt like I was losing connection to my heritage. Although there were a lot of misunderstanding that sprouted from the video, I did gain many fans from it as well: thus, accidental fame was born. I made several more videos after that because I realize I had viewers but after time has gone by, I realize that making youtube videos was extremely time consuming in a way I did not enjoy. I am a very shy person. Holding a…

  • Daily Utterance,  Gaming

    The struggles of an ex-hardcore gamer

    As many of you who has known me for the past 10 years I’ve been blogging, you all probably know that I’m an avid gamer. Back in my high school days I was a hardcore MapleStory player. It was litterally my childhood if you read the blogs in my MapleStory tag. Then came League of Legends in my college days and it became something that defined who I was. I made many friends from gaming. Not to mention I’ve been always dating a gamer, and on my university years my sister was away in China so all is left of me is games, games and games. Especially being a girl…

  • Blog,  Daily Utterance,  General Life

    Why cant I?

    When was the last time I was proud of myself? Hmm, like real proud? I don’t even know. I remember last year I was proud of myself for writing a Japanese log everyday for 1 month. I was proud of myself for working for my dad with no complains all winter break. I was proud for doing the best of my best in my ECON class. Then came the loneliness of 2009. I ended up giving up when spring break started. But I really liked the me before that. Where did she go? Where is she now? What was it and who was it that made her so happy all…

April 2024

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