Fan Girl Moment,  SMAP

Perfect Imperfections

Welcome to another スマロス post. I should make that a category. lol

Anyways, my dad caught me by surprise this weekend. He dropped the bomb saying “we got to clear everything off the floor by the 17th because they’re going to do our carpet that day.” The 17? That’s this Tuesday! A lot of people in my family are upset about my dad’s sudden announcement but I was just like eh, and did all I could. I’m not even mad I didn’t potato this weekend. I just packed stuff in boxes and move them downstairs.

While I was working with sorting and packing stuff I did find something enjoyable to do. Since my sister was staying over on Saturday Night, I moved the PS3 upstairs to our old room and blasted some SMAP Clip! On our first night we got through the first CD (this is actually my 2nd time watching the 1st CD) and man, it was a long journey. As you watch it, you can see how each and one of them grow and how they grow as a group. I really enjoyed watching their old live performances.

Unlike a lot of the boybands nowadays, SMAP did not debuted at #1. Not to mention their debut event was in a typhoon.. it was a disaster. Although these boys weren’t successful upon debut, they still hung on and kept going for years. I would say they finally reached their point of success in 1996, that’s 4 years after their debut. But even after they reached a peak, they didn’t stop and kept going.

My sister and I pondered as to why we became such huge SMAP fans. Is it their looks? Lol no way, our initial response to how they physically look is ‘they look funny’. I even remember being disappointed that they did not look cool. Is it their popularity? Nah, as popular as they are in Japan, they’re not known to people around us at all. Is it their music? I guess the music is one thing, but they honestly aren’t the best singers lol. SO, WHY?

When I look at KPop boy band and girl bands who are so dam perfect at what they do, I feel like an ant when I look at myself in the mirror. I hate it. It makes me feel like there are so many faults in myself and I feel stress that I have to achieve a certain level of coolness like these people. Of course I’m smart enough to put myself apart that they have CG, professional production, makeup, training, plastic and all that $$$ stuff to make them like that but thoughts in the back of my mind will always be there. But when I look at SMAP, their value as an idol is different. If you ask Japanese people, they’ll probably agree. Maybe I’m just like Japan who likes that がんばる attitude. Even today I can’t find a straight answer as to why I became a SMAP fan. But who can ever say for sure why they fall in love with someone, right? All I know is that all of their imperfections is what make them so perfect.

HondaiMood: Fighting!
Listening to: Yes We Are – SMAP
Playing: Osu!
Craving: Bun Thit Nuong
Watching: Clip! SMAP!

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