General Life,  SMAP

98 Percent!

HondaiMood: HAPPY!
Listening to: Your Seed – Hey! Say! Jump!
Drinking: Waterrr
Reading: Gentleman’s Aliance Vol. 5
Working on: Nothing! 😀
Browsing😕Jpop Asia
Watching: Ruroni Kenshin…?

Le~Bamb! ZOMG!!!?Let’s celebrate everyone!! I got a?98.3%?on my summer math class!!! 8DDDD Ze Hondai is?SUPER?happpyy!!! Fwee~!?*dances around*?Man this summer is totally not like last summer.

Anyway, I went to Mei-chan’s house today! 😀 We just hung out. Then I showed Mei-chan her fortune, love capability with Masuda. XD Her stuff was Thumbs up! They should make a good couple. Then we looked up Hondai’s and Tegoshi’s and here is what it says:

The male Rabbit and the female Goat are very much the perfect mates for each other.?They enjoy daydreaming together, and their unbridled fantasy life translates nicely into a rich and fulfilling life for this lucky couple. The Rabbit’s habitual nervousness will be soothed by the Goat’s attentions, while the Goat can count on the practical rabbit to make sure that all of the more mundane aspects of their shared life together are constantly kept in order.

More to add to that we’re both B type blood. So B+B is the most compatible. 8D Yays! Hahahahas

That will be only if we met and actually get to know each other and stuff though. 🙂 Even though they won’t come true, it’s just nice to be bubbly and have someone to think of instead of being lonely. XD Atleast that’s what I learned this year.

SMAP came out with a new single!!! YAYS!!! Amp and I are going to go get it tomorrow… if it is there.

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