Food & Travel

The Best Fireworks Show

4th of July of 2014, one of my best Independence Day in a long time. Independence Day has been my favourite holiday for awhile now. A lot of holidays we celebrate has to do with religion which not everybody is happy to celebrate. However, when it comes to Independence Day, I can’t find a reason for any Americans to not celebrate. When you think about it, it is pretty much America’s Birthday party!

For the past few years I’ve been spending my 4th of July at Max’s place. We would shoot fireworks in his backyard and have a nice meal. I think sometimes we would have cake too. I honestly don’t remember so well anymore (cries). This year is a little different, I flew from Seattle to Sacramento to hangout with Arthur and several of my Californian friends for the whole week. As I arrived to Sacramento, we took a road trip to LA. It was a 5 hour drive. Andy was the driver, Tommy sat in the front with me and Arthur in the back. When we arrived to LA all 3 cars met up and eat some Dim Sum. After the Dim Sum we had to wait several hours before going to the hotel because arrived before check-in time.

Since this trip was originally for Anime-Expo, we all agree that we probably should go wait in line for our badge. Well thank god we went there when we did, there were already hundreds of people lining up to get their Anime Expo badge! The wait for the badge was painful since it was blazing hot, and also sunny…. = = We probably waited a good 2 hours before its check-in time. So me and 3 other people from our group decided to go check in the hotel. It was surprisingly a far drive from the venue to LAX (our hotel was right next to LAX). It kinda sucked being that far because we were driving and traffic everywhere!

After we checked in, freshen up at the hotel, the 4 of us head back to our friends in line for AX passes. Apparently my friends creep their way up to the front of the line and got the passes.  So I literally just walked up to my friend who was chilling in the registration section and got my ticket scanned and their handed me a pass… no questions asked. (wow cheater alert)

Anywho, after we all got our passes it was pretty late in the day. We went to the LA famous GEN KBBQ, cuz y’know ;D 4th of July BBQ. GEN BBQ was pretty good. I don’t know if it was worth waiting for it for 2 hours lol. On our way back, was the best fireworks show I’ve had in a long time. We were just driving on the LA freeway, blasting our music with our windows down watching the fireworks exploding in the LA sky. I couldn’t ask for a better 4th of July.


OG: 08/17/16

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