Fan Girl Moment,  Jpop,  Music


HondaiMood: Sleepy =w=
Listening to: SWEET DROPS – PUFFY
Playing: League of Legends
Reading: –
Watching: Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Icon Credit: True Magic

Warning: Extreme Fangirl Rant


I have mix feelings about NEWS’s change. So just incase some of you guys don’t know NEWS. They are a Japanese boy band with 6 people in it. My most favorite band (if you don’t count SMAP AHAHA).  So 2 of the most popular members Nishikido Ryo  and Yamashita Tomohisa aka: Yamapi left the group. How can this be? >_< Yamapi is the leader of the group for god sake. Arg. I thought it would have been 6 people NEWS forever and til the end. I guess not

I’m not as angry as it seems but I’m just sad that the posters in my room with 6 people NEWS is the past now. Listening to Hoshi wo Mezashite and Share would just feel wrong. Especially Share. The thing about this song Share is each members wrote their part of the lyrics themselves. So if 2 of the owner lyrics is missing.. I don’t know, I guess it’ll still work out.

I did notice that the group didn’t quite hand that ‘bond’ in them like other groups. Whenever NEWS appears in TV shows its always Tegoshi, Masuda, Kouyama, and Shige anyways. Ryo is always busy with Kanjani8 (another boyband) and Yamapi is busy with solo work. So it became a joke NEWS is just the 4 Koyashige x Tegomasu.

No more Yamapi and no more Ryo means, no more ‘UMA~I oishi’ jokes, no more Ryo x Tegoshi joint birthday parties during tour (since their birthday is very close), no more Ryo bullying Shige like a big brother, no more Ryo rock solo ;A ; , no more Yamapi rap then Tegoshi’s beautiful solo cutting right in in Snow Express (who the hells going to take over that part? Its my favorite NEWS performance of all times! Dx), no more Yamapi ‘yays’. Ahh too many things.

But.. I’m actually still excited about 4 people NEWS. Because my favorite member is still in there Tegoshi Yuya!!! Also, KoyaShige concert moments are always something fans look forward to in concerts. We still have Kei-nii-chan (Koyama) ^_^ and ofcourse the utterly awkward Massu <3. So like I said, mix feelings.

Ofcourse I’ll still follow Yamapi & Ryo. Probably not much for Ryo though since I don’t follow Kanjani much. And support NEW NEWS to the MAX! >:D!

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