Food & Travel

Logs related to my travel stories

  • Concerts,  Entertainment,  Kpop,  Music

    Be Ready for G-Dragon’s Act III World Tour

    My night with G-Dragon at Act III, M.O.T.T.E Seattle was unforgettable. It was amazing, and definitely worth the money. But there were somethings I wish I did before/during the show that would have definitely made my night more perfect than it already was. Just in case some of you are newbies at K-pop concerts, I’m here to make sure you don’t make the same mistake I do when attending G-Dragon’s concert. I’ve never associated myself with any K-pop fan base as I don’t follow the scene nearly as much as I do with J-pop. Also, I don’t speak Korean nor can I sing it. Don’t get me wrong though, I…

  • Blog,  Food & Travel

    Feeling Bitter About Bitter Starbucks

    It’s a known fact among my friends that my preference in food is… let’s just say, it’s an acquired taste. I prefer unsweetened tea, dark chocolate, black coffee, bitter melon, brussel sprouts, whatever you don’t like, put it on my plate. But one thing people don’t seem to get is when I tell them that Starbucks’ coffee is too bitter. Actually, it’s not just too bitter, it has nothing but bitterness. I used to get Starbucks every morning before work as part of my morning routine. In search of the perfect taste for my morning coffee I adjust the # of shots and size for a variety of espresso drinks…

  • Food & Travel

    ​ Hawaii Vacay Day 7: Leaving on a Jet Plane

    All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go 🙁 Today is our last day in Hawaii. I didn’t really feel sad at the moment since I was stressing to make sure we get everything pack and make sure we make it to our flight on time. We had the complimentary breakfast one last time, which they finally are serving breakfast sausage again today. We ran into 4ii”s family as we headed down and got to enjoy our last breakfast in Hawaii with them. We didn’t really have much time to enjoy breakfast because I was afraid that we might have to spend a lot of time at the car…

  • Blog,  Food & Travel

    Hawaii Vacay Day 6: Touristy Hawaii

    Today is booked with activities that the family planned out on having together. I originally felt pretty tired and a little sick to go ziplining but apparently 5ii already prepaid it and it would be a waste if we didn’t go, so I decide to suck it up and go and you know what, I’m pretty happy I went. Everyone else took a shuttle to ziplining but since arthur and I had a rented car, we drove there with a few family members. The Ziplining we went to was a Kaula Ranch and apparently is a pretty popular location for movie filming. I don’t have any pictures for my zip…