Blog,  Food & Travel

Hawaii Vacay Day 1: The flight and Arriving.

I didn’t get much sleep before my flight to Hawaii, it’s a good thing that the flight is later in the afternoon. In fact our flight is actually at 6 PM but we decide to leave early because we want to arrive by the time Arthur’s sister arrives at SeaTac airport. Arthur’s sister is flying in from Santa Anna. Apparently she got a connection flight in Seattle because it was the cheapest. And because she’s flying in to Seattle, we decided to book the same flight she’s in from SEA – HNL. By the time we arrive at SEA there were no lines at the security check so breezed right through it. It was pretty nice arriving early because I don’t have to stress whether I’ll miss my flight or not. Maybe I should do this more often lol. You can check my blog to find the best newest travel companion, which can help you every time you travel.

We met up with Arthur’s sis and had some food before the flight. We all decided to go with Qdoba and I actually regret it. Please remind me to never eat Mexican food on or before a flight… I ended up pretty bloated and gassy throughout the 5 hour flight. I got up to use the bathroom 3 times, and boy I’m sure glad I sat at the aisle seat. The flight was fairly standard…I flew with Alaska enough times to know what’s up. Pretzel Snacks, Drinks, Blah blah. One thing I noticed about this flight, though, was the fact that no one knew how to clean up after themselves after using the bathroom. Jesus people, at least drain the sink if you’re not going to wipe it down. Whoever uses the bathroom after me is so lucky…

When we arrived at HNL it was already dark so we couldn’t see much 🙁 But we definitely felt the heat and humidity right away.

After landing, first stop was to take the Shuttle to our car rental company. This is the first time I’ve ever rented a car myself. The company I rent with was Dollar and idk how I feel about it… We were lucky to be the first ones off the shuttle so I got to be first in line and got our car fairly quickly. I was kinda stressing out about all the fees I had to pay for insurance, under 25 fee, premium fueling fee, etc. It all added up to be quite expensive. At the time I picked the car up I questioned whether it was worth it or not.

Next stop is the Hotel. The hotel we booked all 6 nights with was Hyatt Place, Waikiki. Apparently out of all family members, we were the only ones who did not book with Marriot. At first I was worried that would cause us to not get to see the others much but it all turned out well because everyone came to enjoy the complimentary breakfast at our hotel. (I know we’re not supposed to do that but oh well lol). As for our room… It was a little bit smaller than I expected. We barely had room to open up our big bag so throughout the whole trip we had to hop around over the bag to get across the room. It was also probably the reason that Arthur’s siblings didn’t stay with us for the rest of the trip. I was kinda sad because I wanted to spend more time with them.

After settling down in the hotel we went off to have our first meal. It really didn’t feel like we were in Hawaii until we walked closer to the shore. Although the ocean wasn’t visible, I was able to hear the waves and the touches along the coasts sidewalk really gave it that tropical feel. Since it was pretty late, we were having a hard time finding a restaurant to eat at. Good news is a place right by our Hotel called Tiki’s was open. Aloha to our first meal in Hawaii.


Tiki’s was alright. I would give it 3.5/5 stars based on Yelp ranking. They were pretty disorganized and service was slow. The food tasted great, but portions were fairly small for the price. I wouldn’t go again unless I didn’t have a choice.

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