I miss things
Maybe the March rain has gotten to me… but I’ve been missing things. Things that were me. Things that have defined me. It’s strange to think about how much I have changed in the course of 5 years. Many of my friends say I’m still the same, but when I look at my past self I see a completely different person. I remember how I used to think, how I used to see people and that’s not how I am now. Was this the reason people used to call me “so innocent”? I sure envy my past self. But let’s be real here, we’re all bound to meet with something like this one day, right?
At least writing on Hoshiru and my alone time during my commute to work and back has given me some time to reflect upon myself. It makes me happy to know that one that that hasn’t change is my love for writing about my feelings on Hoshiru. It’s a very important place for me to watch myself change and grow. Also, a place to go to if I ever forgotten what it was like to be 18, 20, 23 or 25. It’s almost Hoshiru’s 10 year anniversary, can you believe that?
Anyways, I don’t knowwhere I’m going for with this post… I just feel the need to update something before it gets too deep into March. I’ve been obsessed with 3DS games and browsing steam. That’s all you need to know.
Mood: confused
Listening to: 明けない夜、醒めない夢 (feat. nicamoq) – Yunomi
Playing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Craving: KBBQ
Watching: Game of Thrones S1, Ep 5