Blog,  General Life

New Phone!

Why hello there! I am excited to announce to you all that I finally finally finally got a new phone.

So I went from the iPhone 5 to the iPhone SE! I’ve been waiting for a phone like the iPhone SE to launch for ages. You see, I’m not a big fan of the bigger phones. I mean, I know I would love to have a big screen but in reality all I need a phone that can fit in my hand and fit in my pocket.

Thus, when I heard Apple announced the iPhone SE, it was perfect! I wasn’t planning on getting a new phone til around Christmas time (as a present for myself lol) but my poor old iPhone 5 was breaking. The screen is slightly crack and popping out. I also smelled a burning scent coming from the phone the other day. I might have been hallucinating but  after I shut my phone off, the smell went away after that so……..yeah

Anyways, here are pictures of my old phone vs new phone.

Jet Black iPhone5 vs Rose Gold iPhone SE Back Side
Jet Black iPhone5 vs Rose Gold iPhone SE Front Side

I decided to not port my legacy backup that I had since 2009 from my original iPod touch because I feel that a fresh start is more appropriate. My old backup is way too old and in all honesty, it broke around a month ago when Pokemon GO some how took my phone back in time to November 2014, weird huh.

In any case, I’m pretty happy with the phone so far of my 1 day use of it. I’m looking forward to getting to use all the newer features that I didn’t have on my old iPhone 5.

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