• Blog,  Fan Girl Moment,  Gaming

    Tegoshi Boots

    Mood: tired Listening to: Hoshizora no shita de – SMAP Drinking: – Reading: Tania’s Essay! Working on: MLA format corrections Browsing: Lang-8 Watching: – Right now I’m at Cascadia?(The college I take classes at)?because I have a?ton?of work to finish. I’ll be honest, I’ve been slacking off. I got a new Yu Gi Oh! game the other day and I kept playing it! Not only that, I just…?won’t?do my assignments. And the reason was just because?“I don’t feel like it”. That’s how I use to be in 8th and 9th grade (the maplestory era of my life) and I don’t like that. So I’m here to make sure I do…

  • Fan Girl Moment,  SMAP

    Wall of Johnnys

    Mood: Tired but great! Listening to: So Special – EXILE Drinking: Nothing Reading: Lollipop something Working on😕True Magic’s update Browsing: Last.fm Watching: Hotelier [Korean Drama] Ophew! this week hasn’t been that busy. But for some reason I feel more tired than the other weeks. *0* I wonder why. Anyway, I think I remember mentioning that my room has a?very?boring?white wall. Well, I guess Amp and I found a way to?pimp?make our wall more interesting. This is the view from my bed?(It’s a top bunk). What I see first thing in the morning. Yes, I know a wall full of posters of?Johnny’s. Well, the official posters are the?SMAP?poster?(the biggest one)and?Tegomass?Pin-up?(two guys…

  • Fan Girl Moment,  General Life,  Music,  SMAP

    Mint Mocha!

    Mood: Happy?[Edit]ANGRY! D:<[/Edit] Listening to: Happy Birthday – NewS Drinking: Minty Mocha! Reading😕Massu no Master Hits! Working on: A gift for my dear friend in Thailand. Browsing😕Diary Yenta Watching: Nobuta wo Produce! I know this blog entry is?VERY?long. I don’t really expect anyone to read it all. x_X Maybe someone who actually cares and have time would read it but yeah. Sorry bout this Arg omg! I have too many things to blog about. Oddly when I actually have something to blog about, I always end up being too tired or not have time to do it. Now I finally have a day break so here I am! 8D Anyway,…

  • Blog,  Fan Girl Moment

    Stay calm, Hondai

    Mood: Going crazy @~@;; Listening to: Zutto Ishhou sa – Yamashita Drinking: Mango Jasmine Tea mix with Yogard Smoothie Reading: Cakjdhflkv Working on: NOTHING really Browsing: AhhhhHHH!!!! Watching: T…..ttTTE?!?! So… I have too much to blog about. I guess you can choose to read the?normal?part and the part that?I’m going crazy.?*__* you chhoooooseee or maybe read?both. Just for fun. Part one:?Hondai goes insane OMG!?Tegoshi Yuya of NewS Gets to go to Thailand.?I’m so jealous!!! Out of all places he went to Krabi… Which I believe is the location of the place I want to go back once again. I remember it was at Krabi. That beach I went… when I…