• Blog,  Fan Girl Moment

    Oh Noes!

    Mood: Good but not so good either Listening to: Alibi – NewS Eating: About to make breakfast after this Reading: Nothing Working on: Math Browsing😕LDMB Watching: Snow Express (Live) – NewS on Youtube Yes! I really am in oh noes this time! My computer’s Vista is not working! I need the activation key D: The thing is my vista hasn’t been working properly. And it’s kinda…. ya know… Anyway, all I can do on this thing is browse on Mozilla Fire Fox.?Atleast?and I can still browse the internet. They’re nice enough to live me just a browser floating in blank black space. *sighs* Oh well. I guess I was kinda…

  • Blog,  Fan Girl Moment


    Mood: Great! Listening to: Code – NewS [Nishikido Ryo] Eating: WAFFLES! Reading: Nothing Working on: Math Browsing: Youtube + Crunchy Watching: Ya Ya Yah – Onigokko I’ve been pretty busy in the past day. Finally have time to blog here. So! Last week when I said I was going to Uwajimaya with my friend Jett, it was fun. Too bad it wasn’t sunny so we seemed a little gloomy sometimes. Jett and I got a present for our friend Jessica.?We got her a cute mug for her birthday. 🙂 Also, Amp and I got a magazine called?Wink-Up. We have became victims ofJohnny’s?Haha. One of the reason we got the magazine?Wink-up?they…