
Daily Life

Hello there Hoshiru 😀 It’s finally summer 2013!! Time goes by so fast, I can’t believe we’re already in the 2nd half of the year.

So.. Yeah, my daily life has change quite some bit. I guess I should write this down somewhere but I broke up with Max. The reason behind it is long and right now I’m too lazy to write about it. I’ll write about it when I feel like it. But of course breaking up with him means my lifestyle has change. I spend most of my time home now; strange thing is despite that I feel like I interact with people more and I get to connect with more people. I got to catch up with a lot of my friends, make new ones, and catch up with my sister! I also recently started a routine of running atleast a mile everyday. I’ve been doing well xD The first time I tried, I couldn’t even run a lap. Now I can run a whole mile without stopping. GO ME!

I’ll keep this entry short and simple. Looking forward to July.

Bye everyone ^^/ Hope I blog more often from here on. Haha

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