• Food & Travel

    ​ Hawaii Vacay Day 7: Leaving on a Jet Plane

    All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go 🙁 Today is our last day in Hawaii. I didn’t really feel sad at the moment since I was stressing to make sure we get everything pack and make sure we make it to our flight on time. We had the complimentary breakfast one last time, which they finally are serving breakfast sausage again today. We ran into 4ii”s family as we headed down and got to enjoy our last breakfast in Hawaii with them. We didn’t really have much time to enjoy breakfast because I was afraid that we might have to spend a lot of time at the car…

  • Blog,  Food & Travel

    Hawaii Vacay Day 6: Touristy Hawaii

    Today is booked with activities that the family planned out on having together. I originally felt pretty tired and a little sick to go ziplining but apparently 5ii already prepaid it and it would be a waste if we didn’t go, so I decide to suck it up and go and you know what, I’m pretty happy I went. Everyone else took a shuttle to ziplining but since arthur and I had a rented car, we drove there with a few family members. The Ziplining we went to was a Kaula Ranch and apparently is a pretty popular location for movie filming. I don’t have any pictures for my zip…

  • Blog,  Food & Travel

    Hawaii Vacay Day 5: Wedding Day

    Finally! Myke and Jasmine’s wedding day!!! Today is the reason we flew to Hawaii. Today we are fully booked for wedding stuffs and I’m super excited for it! Because we are one of the few family that actually rented a car, we’re on Taxi duty today. Started our day like everyday so far in Hawaii, which is eating the complimentary breakfast. Right after the breakfast we drove 5ii to her car rental place and grab some sharpies from Office Max as the bride request. After coming back from errands I went to the Marriot Hotel room with all the other girls to get ready. For the first time of my…

  • Blog,  Food & Travel

    Hawaii Vacay Day 1: The flight and Arriving.

    I didn’t get much sleep before my flight to Hawaii, it’s a good thing that the flight is later in the afternoon. In fact our flight is actually at 6 PM but we decide to leave early because we want to arrive by the time Arthur’s sister arrives at SeaTac airport. Arthur’s sister is flying in from Santa Anna. Apparently she got a connection flight in Seattle because it was the cheapest. And because she’s flying in to Seattle, we decided to book the same flight she’s in from SEA – HNL. By the time we arrive at SEA there were no lines at the security check so breezed right…