• General Life


    This year is really going by in a blink of an eye. With that said, remembering things that happened before April actually feels like a life time ago. So much has been going on this year, it’s hard to keep track of what has changed since the last time I was on here. Social Life Ever since I ‘graduated’ from being a teacher, I felt very desperate to keep in touch with people. Especially those who are currently physically here with me. I didn’t want to lose the connects I’ve made with the wonderful people I met through my old job. I went to an Onsen for the first time…

  • General Life

    2 years in Japan

    Can you believe it? It’s been over 2 years since I’ve been in Japan. The fact that I’ve been living here longer than I did in California is mind blowing. Thinking about it made me realized that being here during the pandemic has really put a paused to my life. Most of my time spent here in Japan is just me working and going home. I’ve had the privilege of visiting other places in Japan for work from time to time, but it still wasn’t much. In the past two years, I’ve been working as an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher). And I can tell you right now that it’s been…

  • General Life

    And so, it’s December

    I really don’t know what to write on Hoshiru these days but at the same time I also have a lot to talk about. I didn’t realize though that I have a handful of people who keep up with me this way. For those who mentioned to me that you read my blog and that you miss me, thank you. I didn’t realize how great of a feeling it would be to have someone tell me that they miss me. Like, actually miss me. So how have I been these days? I’ve been great actually. The past few months I’ve been busy studying for several tests. One was for EIKEN…

  • General Life

    1 year in Japan

    Hello Hello, it’s your favorite inconsistent blogger. A lot has been going on my mind these days and I’ve been wanting to write a blog entry but instead I’ve been spending my day binge watching Rhett and Link and Good Mythical Morning again. So it’s officially been over a year since I moved to Japan! As much as I want to say “wow, time goes by fast!” Looking back at all my photos from a year ago felt like ages ago. I uploaded a little ‘montage’ style video that you can watch here ⬇️