
Nodame Cantabile

HondaiMood: Great!
Listening to: Push On! – NEWS
Drinking: Water <3
Reading: Essays Essays Essays!
Working on: Spanish homework
Watching: Nodame Cantabile

*points at avatar*?I really miss Athrun. I can’t wait until Gundam SEED the movie comes out. But when it does, Gundam SEED will be ending of it’s ending. Wahhh~

Anyway, I finished watching?Nodame Cantabile?quite awhile ago. It was a nice series. I enjoyed a lot of it.
– The key theme was Classical Music. Catchy unique that recieved 5/5.
– Character development was pretty good. I actually liked it so 4/5.
– Story line 4/5
– Ending 4/5 I thought the ending was average. It was a nice ending, but nothing too special. I guess it was the best way ending the series. Pretty realistic and cute!

So overall I’ll rate it 4/5. 🙂 Nice cute series. I don’t know what non Music people would think of it though. Hahaha~

A picture I took with my phone while waiting for the 101 bus to come at Renton Highlands. Who knew that place I hate so much could be so pretty?

Oh! I also posted a?drawing of Hondai?onto deviant art. xD I drew this few months ago and I still love it. It’s on my bedroom wall. Yes! Besides all those Johnny’s boys on my wall there are also my artworks too if you haven’t notice.?(of course not the only artwork shown in the picture was my color wheel mask)?Hahaha. Anyway, this was a choppy blog entry. >__< I have to go to sleep now. I think… I forgot to do my Spanish homework again. x_X|||||

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