
Just daily life posts

  • Anime,  Blog,  SMAP

    Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)

    I’ve been on a spree on catching up with SMAP member content (drama, smasma ep, etc) and here’s one, Miyazaki’s 2004 film, Howl’s Moving Castle. I’m personally not a huge fan of Miyazaki films. I enjoy them and I think they’re intriguing but it’s not something I would put on my favorite list. Well anyways, the reason why Howl’s Moving Castle has anything to do with SMAP is because Kimura Takuya voices Howl. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much from him as a voie actor. I thought that at most he is able to provide a unique voice that suits some characters but I was wrong. Howl is depicted as a…

  • Entertainment,  General Life,  Japanese Drama

    My Random Day Off

    Good day everyone! Have you ever had those days where you wake up in the morning and you really really REALLY just can’t get out of bed for what ever reason? That’s me today. I did let my team lead know that I wasn’t feeling well, which was not a lie, and I stayed home… Slept in until 11 AM. When I finally got up and went to my bedroom, it was very sunny and pretty. It was nice. Because our kitchen was still under remodel I decided to head out to Woodinville for some food. It feels like it’s been a long time since I took the bus to…

  • Blog,  End of Year Post

    Year of 2016

    Year 2016 must be the year where the stars are aligned in the most unfortunate way. I didn’t think it was a such a bad year until towards the end of the year where everything felt like it was falling apart. With that said though, It was actually not a horrible year for me personally. January: I spent most of my January of 2016 playing MapleStory. I was a NEET, Not in Education, Employment, or Training, I was just home playing games living off my limit savings. I stressed out wondering when I can start on my next chapter of my life. We had plans on moving, but there wasn’t a…

  • Blog,  Daily Utterance,  Entertainment


    So several years ago in my college days I made a video of my speaking Thai talking about how I wish I have the opportunity to speak it more because I felt like I was losing connection to my heritage. Although there were a lot of misunderstanding that sprouted from the video, I did gain many fans from it as well: thus, accidental fame was born. I made several more videos after that because I realize I had viewers but after time has gone by, I realize that making youtube videos was extremely time consuming in a way I did not enjoy. I am a very shy person. Holding a…

May 2024

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