
Just daily life posts

  • Blog,  Daily Utterance

    Hello Summer

    Hello Hello~! It’s finally summer break! Wow, I still can’t believe that 29 years old me will be excited over something like summer break. When was the last time I actually had a summer break where I could just wake up and not worry about going to work for weeks. It’s crazy how as an adult we just live the grind day by day and something like a 3 day weekend feels like a gift from god. So what have I been up to so far this summer? I’ve been watching TO DO X TOMORROW X TOGETHER. Yes! I’ve been obsessed with TXT, it’s insane. It all began with my…

  • Blog,  Work

    Rambling: Term 1 まとめ kinda

    Hello Hello! After months of not logging in here, I realized that I haven’t posted the previous log I had written up, so I did that today. Lol. Anyways, how have you all been? Tomorrow is the 2nd to last day of the 1st term for this school year. Phew, time sure goes by fast. I can’t believe that we’re already past the half way mark of 2021. We’ve all gotten used to the “new” lifestyle because of COVID now huh? It feels strange to see many of my friends in the US going out and about spending life like it used to be. I’m honestly a little jealous. I’m…

  • General Life

    1 year in Japan

    Hello Hello, it’s your favorite inconsistent blogger. A lot has been going on my mind these days and I’ve been wanting to write a blog entry but instead I’ve been spending my day binge watching Rhett and Link and Good Mythical Morning again. So it’s officially been over a year since I moved to Japan! As much as I want to say “wow, time goes by fast!” Looking back at all my photos from a year ago felt like ages ago. I uploaded a little ‘montage’ style video that you can watch here ⬇️

  • Love

    Dear you,

    There’s so much I want to tell you but I don’t know where to start. Hmm… How about we start with this question, what is love? If you try to look it up, I think you’ll get a lot of answers. I think I finally realize that the word ‘love’ is similar to the word ‘important’. Although we all know what it means, it’s still different for all of us. So, how many times have you fallen in love? I think for me it’s twice. The first time I fell in love, I was 19. From the very first time we met, it felt like we’ve known each other for…