• Daily Utterance,  Update

    Greetings! 2019 Hoshiru Plans

    Ahehe … –awkwardly waves from afar- Hey, what’s up, hello. Yes, it is I, Mana, Wilda, Hondai writing a post on Hoshiru. Crazy huh. I’m not going to lie, but, I really do miss it here. I spent so much time last year revamping the site just to neglect it again. I guess I should stop apologizing about it since I’m honestly writing on here purely for my own entertainment. If you’re reading this, you must be awfully interested in me. Or maybe you just find it entertaining. Either way, I do appreciate your interest (as long as it doesn’t start getting into the creepy zone). So, “what have you…

  • Blog,  Daily Utterance


    I’m a terrible friend. Today, I was looking through my messages and I saw a message from my old friend wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving. That wasn’t the only message he sends me, he would always ask how I’m doing and what I’ve been up to. It’s not like I wasn’t on my phone at all during the weekend, I just simply put the message aside because there are things that I am more interested in happening during the weekend, so pretty much I ignored his message. This is not the only time I’ve done things like this. I’ve done worse things like standing people up who came to visit me…

  • Blog,  Daily Utterance,  General Life

    Hard To Say

    I haven’t written an update on my life for awhile. So many backlogs from May & June that I really don’t feel like finishing because it’s just too painful to even think about what I was trying to say in them. I don’t even know what the point of this post is but oh well, just wing it: Hondai style. Honestly, my mood recently has been in it’s ups and down. I’ve been meeting great people, finding a new part of me, while rediscovering a part of myself that I love. But every time I hit a high of happiness, something blocks me from believing that I am truly happy.…

  • Blog,  Daily Utterance,  General Life

    Finally Smooth Teeth!

    I’m pretty sure everyone who’s had braces before in their life knows the joy of gliding your tongue along the front teeth and feel the smoothness. Well, when I got my braces off, it was smooth….kinda? You see, several months after removing my braces, I start to notice that my front teeth aren’t smooth. I still have something stuck on my tooth from the brace-face days. I figured out later that they were most likely residue from whatever was used to bond the braces to my teeth. So the first thing I did was contacted my orthodontist about it but they refered me to my dentist. So I decided to…