
Gaming rants

  • Gaming

    Dead by Daylight

    I would say Dead by Daylight recently became one of the most enjoyable games I’ve played in a long time and here are 3 reasons why. Exciting game play Solo play is just as fun as team play Everyone is a winner First point, exciting game play. What kind of horror game does not get you pumped up and nervous. I can’t explained how freaked out I get every time I hear a heart beat. Now the game does get stale and less scary after playing several times but with the new addition of the new killer, Micheal Mayers, who can sneak up on you, players are back on to…

  • Blog,  Food & Travel,  Gaming

    PAX West 2016

    To sum up my PAX experience for 2016 in one word it would be underwhelming. Not that it was bad, I actually had a lot of fun! It was just not as much fun as PAX Prime 2013. I think the reason for that is mostly because I did not do research before going. I just wanted to take Arthur to PAX at least once before our gaming interests die out (if it ever does). We’re both here right now, and PAX was right there in downtown Seattle. So why not just go, right? We got the Sunday passes and so we arrive right around it opens. We browsed around…

  • Gaming,  League of Legends

    When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade

    How long is it going to take for me to learn that life is just not fair? I grew up believing that if I do something good, good things will come in return. While, if I do something bad, misfortune will befall me. I follow this rule pretty religiously. I try avoid speaking ill of another person, avoid lying, avoid cheating, you know.. Anything mean or unfair. Well, in my 24 years of living I think there is 1 thing I finally see: life is not fair. The recent event that got me thinking of this is when I was buying tickets for League of Legends World Final 2016 yesterday. I…

  • Gaming,  Pokemon

    Pokemon GO & The Nostalgia Factor

    Hey guys! It’s been awhile. Recently I’ve been pretty much working and patching up my relationships with people. I’ve managed to meet up with high school friends, college friends, feel happier about my love life and talk more to my parents. Things has been great so far. The most recent craze as of late is Pokemon GO! It’s pretty crazy to imagine a phone game that can get people to go outside and actually WALK. Not to mention it also finally got me to convince Arthur to take walks around the neighborhood with me since we finally have a reason to. (although I don’t really need a reason to take…

May 2024

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