
Gaming rants

  • Gaming

    Thanksgiving & Vindictus

    Mood: gooooooood! Listening to: Christmas Music at work Playing: Vindictus Reading: Shinto and the State Watching: SEIZONSENRYAKUUUU! Icon Credit: Aein Yesterday was Thanksgiving.. so Happy late Thanksgiving everyone! My Thanksgiving was pretty good. Had Dim Sum for lunch, best dim sum place thus far <3 and came home to start preping for dinner! I didn’t do much of the cooking at all. Mostly cleaning the house because the guests come. And yes! This year we had a special guest ….. *drumrolls* The one and only Max! Fufufu~ Finally made him come to our family events and it went better than I thought! Though ofcourse we had awkward moments.. especially when my…

  • Blog,  League of Legends,  School

    First Day of School

    Mood: Glad Listening to: SWEET DROP – PUFFY Playing: League of Legend Dominion! Reading: Textbooks Watching: Hanasaku Iroha END TT.TT Icon Credit: Aein  Today was the first day of classes for me. Surprisingly Autumn Quarter started out with a sunny day. That’s rare in the Seattle area, hah. I had to go to school early because I realize I had to buy a course package for my Japanese class (though it turned out no one had it in class anyway @_@). While I was on the bus on the way to school, there was this old lady who sat next to me in front. Apparently she wrecked her car and so she decide…

  • Gaming,  League of Legends

    また Miss Fortune

    I can’t believe I’m blogging more about League of Legends again. But anyways, lately its been much more fun because I get to play with my friends. Today I was playing with  my High School (now college) friends. First game we played together we lost so badly. =w= so badly… I played Lux and lane with Jett’s (epic)Garen but then we had to go against Orienna and Fiddles. Oh they were such a pain. Especially Orienna, she’s like lux… but better lol. After losing that game, all 5 of us decide to play again. This time I decide to play Miss Fortune and hopefully carry the team. Tom who was playing…

  • Gaming,  League of Legends

    Miss Fortune ♥

    Lately I’ve been playing on my smurf account (league of legend noob account).. Even then, I keep losing! I started feeling down @_@ but today Jimmy asked if I wanted to join in a game. I thought… Hey, why not. For once I’ll play a normal game on my normal account. The Results? I’m xManami just in case you can’t tell. Throughout the entire game we were losing on the kill counts. Their Teemo and Tristana was freekish scary. But our team worked very well together. (besides our Katarina who spent the entire game jungling). I wish I recorded the game. It would be so much fun watching the replay.  25…

May 2024

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