Blog,  Gaming,  Hearthstone,  League of Legends

Lazy Weekends

: Happy! ^__^
Listening to: Daisy – STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION
Playing: Hearthstone
Reading:  –
Watching: Walking Dead & Kyoukai no Kanata


Saturday and Sunday of February.. oh it’s so cloudy and rainy outside, as usual. Dad finally returned from his business trip to Asia on Thursday, and went back to work on Friday. How do people go back to work when they just came back from another country .. ? I would jetlag like hell if I had to.

This weekend has been pretty lazy, lazy in a good way of course. Stayed home and watched LCS & NACC. Of course I am more hyped than usual to watch the tournament stream today because my school is playing in the NACC!! Blue Caster Minions from the University of Washington! (I thought we were the Purple Caster Minions 0-0 but oh well) Both in the semifinals match on Saturday and the finals match on Sunday, BCM seemed to be the underdog team. But that didn’t stop us from grabbing the throne for 1st place! Yay! It’s good to know that my school’s team has been proven to have a good collection of League Players~ Not that I didn’t already know that since I am semi-active in the Purple Caster Minion FB community.

Also recently, been playing a lot of Hearthstone. Maybe too much. I’ve been too lazy to play League because it’s just so time consuming and I’m always stuck in this cycle of, I don’t play much so I suck– I suck because I don’t play much. I’m fine playing just for fun, but at the same time, I actually do have a competetive blood running through me and I want to get better at the game. I don’t want to be those girls who just play and be like “ahaha~ sorry :3” because all I am good at is feeding. Please, for god sakes I hate playing with people like that. It’s not fun and not cute. ARG Slowly I’ve becoming like that though TT__TT ah~

On the good news, Look at what I got in the mail yesterday!!  My diploma~ I’m so happy, I can’t wait for graduation day! *checks what tassel color I get* Oh.. White.


Also ^__^ What I got in the mail for Valentines Day. Super cute and happy Buttle Toast! I wasn’t too sure what to name him at first, but then for some reason Paku came into my mind at work. Because really, when you eat toast, don’t you think it makes the most Paku-like sound than anything else? Yup! So it’s settled, I often call him my Paku-Paku-Pan <3 omggg He’s so huggable just like the person who gave him to me. And when he’s with blanky ahh!! I just wanna roll around in bed with them all day >A< !! You two will do while Arthur is away \TwT/

Well that’s all for tonight’s blog. It’s so much easier if I write more often so I don’t feel obligated to write too much. Haha バイバイキー!

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