Life Update
Life’s been so busy lately… I can’t believe Hoshiru is getting neglected again. No! I won’t let that happen! T_T.. Well anyways, I got a few updates to talk about here.
In case I never mentioned on here.. I’m back in school again! I decided to take classes for an associates degree Web Application Development! Going back for that webmaster dreamヽ(≧▽≦)ノ wooo! For this quarter I’m taking 8 credits, 3 classes. We’re currently on Week 3, and so far so good! I’m staying on top of all my assignments and still know what’s going on in class. (that sounds weird to say but TBH, by the time midterms come around I’m usually already behind in class). This time around I’m going to give school my all!!
Funny thing is, the same week I started school, my sister was getting ready to move to Japan so I was helping her out with moving shenanigans. I’m a little sad that my sister is moving away.. AGAIN! Well, she’s been living abroad on and off since we’re in college so I’m used to it by now.
Work has also been picking up like crazy. Because some of our newer team members haven’t seen our work volume this high before, they don’t understand the importance of getting it done ASAP. So then, I start feeling pressured to get the work done or else other teams will start criticizing our team when the work starts piling up later in the day. There was even a day where I skipped lunch just to make sure I clear all the work before our cutoff time at 3 PM. Unfortunately, I feel like I’M the only one in my team who feels pressured this way.ಠ╭╮ಥ I really wish my teammates would put more effort in our work.
And there you have it! Family, School, Work… That’s what’s pretty much keeping me busy lately. I guess this is what people usually mean when they’re ‘busy with life‘. Even if I’m busy, I’m still going to try my best to not neglect what’s important to me because I remember regretting doing so in the past. Never forget!
Mood: Productive
Listening to: Hallelujah – MIYAVI
Playing: Don’t Starve
Craving: Pizza
Watching: Korean Idol Dance Practice Videos